Kuaj xyuas hnub siv thiab ua cov tshuaj tsw qab thiab tshuaj pleev ib ce
Hom tsis xaiv

CheckFresh.com nyeem hnub tsim khoom los ntawm batch code.
Xaiv lub hom phiaj kom pom cov lus qhia yuav ua li cas thiaj nrhiav tau batch code.

Saib ntxiv:

ℹ️ Cov ntsiab lus ntawm nplooj ntawv no tsuas yog muaj ua lus Askiv xwb.

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If you want to add your brand to CheckFresh.com, please contact support@checkfresh.com.

New features and bugs

If you want to add a new brand of cosmetics to CheckFresh.com, please send information about the the batch code structure in which data is stored.

If you want to report a bug in the software, or have an idea for improving the software, please contact support@checkfresh.com.

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