Thoir sùil air ceann-latha saothrachadh cùbhraidheachd agus maise-gnùise
Brand gun a thaghadh

Bidh a ’leughadh ceann-latha an riochdachaidh bhon chòd baidse.
Tagh branda gus stiùireadh fhaicinn mar a lorgas tu an còd baidse.

Thoir taic don phròiseact

ℹ️ Chan eil susbaint na duilleige seo ri fhaighinn ach sa Bheurla.

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New features and bugs

If you want to add a new brand of cosmetics to, please send information about the the batch code structure in which data is stored.

If you want to report a bug in the software, or have an idea for improving the software, please contact in your language

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